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Austrian Australian Business Council

Strengthening ties between Austria and Australia

What We Do

The Austrian Australian Business Council (AABC) strengthens business ties between Austria and Australia, allowing exclusive networking opportunities for areas such as trade and investment support and member events with focused themes relevant to help business grow. Based in Vienna, AABC is a platform that fosters collaboration, connecting members with industry and governments/NGOs.


By joining the AABC, you'll have the chance to broaden your professional network, participate in exclusive networking gatherings, highlight your business, and gain access to special member benefits. Embark on a journey with the AABC to elevate your business on an international scale.

Member Benefits

We are a platform that allows you to build on experience with real-life connections, forging lasting bonds between Austria and Australia through our diverse range of networking events.


We provide networking opportunities for our members, where it is possible to create new connections or nurture existing bonds. We also provide access to industry & business chambers and government departments

Trade & Investment

The Austrian Australian Business Council provides a multitude of trade and investment advantages for businesses aiming to broaden their international presence. Membership in the council supports not only Austria-Australia bilateral ties but also extends to other nations. 

Member Services

Join our membership program gain exclusive access to official events and a forum where you can connect with trusted contacts. Expand your business through referrals and networking opportunities.

Patron of AABC

Ambassador Mr. Ian Biggs


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Competent supervisory authority: 
Landespolizeidirektion Wien - 1010 Wien, Schottenring 7-9

Ref. to applicable laws and access to these:

Bundesgesetz über Vereine (Vereinsgesetz 2002) see here

Am Tabor 42,
1020, Vienna, Austria
ZVR number: 1589514617

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